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East Java Art Harmony Online Exhibition 2020

Regional secretary of East Java Province, Dr. Ir. Heru Tjahjono, M.M, with the head of the department of culture and tourism of East Java, Sinarto, S.Kar., M.M was listening to the explanation of the painting by Triyoso Yusuf by those concerned.

Nowadays, the unresolved situation of the pandemic of Covid-19 has an impact on the art world. It is not only in the performing arts but also fine art has been affected and almost has no activities. Usually, fine arts exhibitions are held in galleries, hotels, painting fairs, etc. However, online exhibitions are unusual. As a consequence of the pandemic condition, the pandemic does not discourage artists from continuing to conduct an exhibition. To be sure things for the creative artists who continue to interact with the world of fine art lovers. The exhibition is not held in person but emphasizing the usage of daring media which is well-known online.

Taman Budaya of east java as one of the technical implementation units under the east java provincial cultural office collaborated with managed by PT. Generasi Baru Digital also enlivened the art exhibition market online and offline with the theme “East Java Art Harmony Online Exhibition 2020”. The opening process was held offline took place on October 27, 2020, at Sawunggaling hall. The event was opened by the regional secretary of East Java province, Dr. Ir. Heru Tjahjono M.M., and head of the department of culture and tourism of East Java province, Sinarto S.Kar., M.M., with all heads of division and implementation unit those within the scope of the department of culture and tourism of East Java province. Meanwhile, the online conference was attended by the head of national gallery of Indonesia, Pustanto S.Sn., M.M., along with all participants of the online promotion exhibition through the Zoom meeting platform.

The painting exhibited is an original painting by participants and was not a reprocessing or plagiarism of other people. The material was shown are the artworks that have passed the selection which is scored based on criteria determined by the curational team appointed by Taman Budaya of East Java. Fine art lovers or collector which is interest with the artworks that was exhibited can immediately be purchased by the number listed on the description of the artwork on display. This exhibition was live streaming through youtube channel, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter Disbudparjatim, and Cak Durasim belonging to Taman Budaya of East Java. The members of the curation team are Agus Sukamto (Surabaya), Syarifudin (Malang), and Wahyu Nugroho (Pasuruan).

Regional secretary of East Java, Dr. Ir. Heru Tjahjono, M.M, with the head of department of culture and tourism of East Java, Sinarto, S.Kar, M.M, was listening to the explanation of one of artwork by Aimee.

The exhibition followed by 83 participants from all of East Java. The participats are Novan, Alfan, abik, Friski, Drajad, Suryanto, Masari, Arifin, Hafidz, Sawir, Nina Eka,David, Abdul, Mutholib, Ahmad Yoni, Rizal, Aimee, Avi, Budi, Anang, Prasetyo, Alisya Syafa Frida, Ramadani, Andita, Shevia, Daniel de Quelyu, Budiamin, Devina Anggreini, Eko Sandianto, Endik Agus, Erwin Budianto, Feri Widyo, Purwanto, Hesti Setyowati, Herman Effendi, Jeffry Irawan, Khotibul Umam, Laksmi, Dwi Dartina, Liyan, Margaretha, Layong Budi Harjo, Maria Novita, Moh Nazir, Novy Rasandy, Nurlaili, Sudibyo, Sugiyo, Sulton Hadi, Suyatno, Syahroni, Yudi Osasi, Nurali, Rudy Susanto, Sigit, Priyananto, Widji Paminto R., Yudi Hariyanto, Agung Aji Sasongko, Agus Wiyono, Darmujiko, Dedy, Susandi, Ega Mardini, Heru Kuntoyo, Ida Firijah, Imam Mukhlis, Kirman, Maman Paiman Sjaibani, Muh. Fauzen Cholili, Eko Utomo, Suwarno, Effendi (Goweng), Triyoso, Rachmad Basuki, Nurul Hidayah, Anin Naim, Mohammad Akhlak, Dadang Rukmana, Untung Karyono,Tamsar Thoyib, Batik Lukis, Isa Ansory, Siska, Mendik, Darsono, Moh. Maksum, Wahidin, Maruto Septriono, Kamil Hadi, Widyo Buntoro, Anim Gimbal, Adhitya Kresna, Djauhar Fardli M. (Eva)

Seksi Dokumentasi Publikasi

Staff Pada Seksi Dokumentasi Dan Publikasi UPT Taman Budaya Provinsi Jawa Timur, Jabatan Pelaksana : Penyusun Bahan Publikasi

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